Saturday, July 21, 2007

Study Break

So I've been busy studying for my Bio and Biochem finals. I got sick on the last week of school last term and missed them. I was so lucky that they let me defer them. Bio should be alright, but biochem is a different story.

I failed the biochem midterm miserably. I've failed exams before, but I've never been so afraid of failing an entire course. I've always been able to get myself back with assignments or other midterms. This course is entirely different. This prof demands so much. I wonder if it's me though, cause people are able to do alright it seems. My friend who took it with me failed. I told her that I would be taking it with her next spring, but I really don't want to have to take it again. It doesn't look like I'll be able to get around it.

My boyfriend thinks that if I study I should be able to do well and get an A+ without a problem. I hate when he says that. I wish it still worked like that for me. I spent all of the exam period studying and I failed my chem final. Luckily I passed the course, but I can't say anything about putting time into studying and getting the marks. I don't understand what happened to me and how I got so retarded.

I really wanted to take biochem and I enjoyed it. But they took much too much out of me for it, and it's about to become the biggest regret of my post-secondary career.

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