Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Yom Kippur pt 2

I've been rereading my old posts. It's nearly that judgement time of year again and I've started to reflect on what I've been through last year.

My one accomplishment, if you can call it that, was cutting someone who hurt me out of my life. It was hard. I thought about him millions of times and missed him countless times. I don't know if thinking about him or stopping myself from contacting him was worse. It may seem silly, but I'm proud of myself for not speaking to him since December. I still have to keep telling myself that he wasn't worth it (he lied and cheated on me), but I know I did the right thing.

I came off of my meds after a year and a half. I went through withdrawal symptoms for a couple weeks, dizziness and lightheadedness mainly. I knew I wanted to get off of them though and try to go back to my old self. I'm afraid that things will get worse again, and I pray they won't, only time will tell.

A recent accomplishment of mine was standing up to a department at university. One of my math profs decided to alter the class's grades unfairly, and I spent many days agonizing about how he handled it. I ended up drafting a formal letter and presenting my case to the math chair. He had known what was going on and allowed it, but after my meeting with him, he decided that they would fix the grades back to what we were expecting before the teacher fiddled around with them. I'm disappointed to know that only a few students will ever know that it was me that went in to fight for our grades. I'll just have to learn to be more modest next year.

The other things I've done seem minuscule compared to those things.

I'm back on the road to becoming my old self again. At least I hope that's where I'm going. My hopes this year are to pass all of my courses, finally graduate and then get into another program at another university that I've had my eye on for about a year now. I also hope that I'll have the strength to truly move on from the harder, worse things that happened over the past couple years.

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